13. Appendix: Chat Commands

For those who like gory details or chat commands, here is a dump of text from the chat commands notecard.

If you change Beadrez's chat channel, change the 1 to your new channel.


*STOP* reading this until after you've done "Introductory Tour" tour at  http://beadrez.blogspot.com

To get the main menu, either touch beadrez or use the following command:

/1br                                        - show main menu

If you have the HUD (available separately as an add-on), use the following to connect:

/1hudconnect                     - connects Beadrez to worn HUD

Included example notecards usually start with the following command, which sets some default parameters as a starting point:

/1defaults                           - sets most necklace parameters back to default starting values

Two other defaults are available with the following commands:

/1bracelet                            - sets parameters to a default starting point for necklace/choker/ring/etc.
/1bellychain                         - sets parameters to a default starting point for belly chains

The following does a deeper reset than the defaults above, but you usually don't need it, and you could instead use "Reset Scripts in Selection" from SL's Tools menu for a an even deeper reset:

/1resetfull                                - resets everything.

Some examples are in notecards in the Beadrez object. These can be run with the command for processing notecards:

/1card <filename>              - Example: "/1card Example1"   NOTE: the card command must be in chat and not in a notecard

OR, to bring up the menu for card selection:

/1cards                                 - Run card using menu selection

The following commands will remove beads rezzed by Beadrez, saving you the trouble of doing it manually:

/1clear                                 -  remove nearby beads (I often put this at the start of notecard examples)
/1regclear                           -  region-wide clear that also removes far-away beads you rezzed with Beadrez.

If you want to remove the scripts inside rezzed beads (without the auto-delete-on-link feature):

/1remscripts                       - remove scripts from nearby beads.
                                                  NOTE: not normally needed because scripts should auto-delete on linking.
                                                  ALSO NOTE: beads will no longer respond to commands after script removal.

To rez a small cube at the center of the guide prims (in case you want it as a root prim for linking):

/1rezroot                            - rezzes an object at the center of the Beadrez guides.
                                                 (the object can be replaced with your own, as described at beadrez.blogspot.com).

To link rezzed beads into a necklace:

/1link                                   - links rezzed prims into a necklace; also scans for "root" and links it if found.

1) Before linking, remove any extra nearby objects named "root". Beadrez scans for a prim named "root" and links it.
2) Linking takes at least 1 second per bead.
3) Due to SL limits, link is not always possible. For example, SL does not allow more than 255 prims to link. If there are other link failures, try changing regions (try in a different sim).
4) When there are inter-prim communication problems in SL, link could fail.
5) If linking fails, you will not be notified. You must check for yourself.
6) Some hints for manual linking are in the F.A.Q. at beadrez.blogspot.com

The following commands will show or hide the guide prims and text:

/1showguide                              - show red sizing bars and thin white shape preview
/1hideguide                                - hide them

/1showtext                                 - show hovering text that gives parameters values
/1hidetext                                   - hide it

/1hide/show                               - toggles both guides and hovertext to be shown/hidden

The guide prims can  be set to show only half of necklace shape -- this shows more detail because it uses more prims to cover that half. The commands for picking a half (or full path) are:
/1guide back
/1guide front
/1guide full
/1guide right
/1guide left

The thickness of the white guide prims can be changed with:
/1guide <size>                          - white guide thickness in mm (0.25 is minimum allowed)

The following command changes the limit on number of beads. The limit is there in case of unexpected behavior, too-small spacing, or known prim limits. Note that SL already limits the number of prims allowed in linked sets.

/1maxbeads <number>          - sets limit on number of beads, in case of errors or known prim limits

To get a list of current parameter values, suitable for pasting into a notecard, use:

/1info                                      - list current parameter values in command format

To get the menus:

<click on Beadrez>                  - bring up the main menu, with shaping menus
/1twistmenu                          - show twist menu -- use this after beads are rezzed for menu-driven twist adjustment.
/1posemenu                          - show the pose menu (if AV is sitting on Beadrez). Pose menu also appears on owner sit.

If you want to use a different pose (animation), just drop the animation from your inventory it into Beadrez contents and it should be used on the next sit. But, if you put more than one animation in, only the one that appears first in the contents list will be used. Also, if your AV is already sitting when you put the animation in, you will have to stand and resit to apply the change.

A pose stand position+rotation setting can be commanded in chat:

/1poseset <position vector> <rotation quaternion>             

For example: the default position+rotation would be set with:
"/1poseset  <0.00000, 0.00000, 0.61000> <0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000>"

(You don't need to understand exactly what poseset numbers mean. You can get values by clicking "Say Current" in the PRESETS menu and cut-and-paste them to a notecard.)

Note there are 4 menus in the pose system, so you can move and rotate on any axis. Several users don't realize this at first. Buttons on the right of the menu switch to the other pose menus.


Type "/1listb" to see a list of available beads. Their names appear in quotes.
Using these names, you can add beads with the following commands:

/1addtip <name>          - adds the first bead at the tip (not needed if you don't want a tip bead)
/1addr <name>              - adds a bead to only the right side
/1addl <name>              - adds a bead to only the left side
/1add2 <name>             - adds the bead to both sides
/1fill <name>                  - fills the necklace with the named bead

NOTE: if you omit <name>, Beadrez will re-use the active bead (usually the last one named).

To set the "active" bead without rezzing one, use:

/1beads                          - use menu selection to activate (and, optionally, rez) beads
/1bead <name>              - make the named bead active for subsequent rezzing commands
You can block rezzing beyond a chosen point on the necklace, for example, to only fill the front.
For this, give a value from 0.0 to 1.0 to the rezblock command.
0.5 refers to the point where front and back meet. 1.0 refers to the back and is the default.
/1rezblock <value>       - prevent rezzing beyond specified point in path, described above.

Most (but not all) commands are stored in a history of recent commands. To see the current stored history, type:

/1listh                             - show command history (not all commands are stored)

Sequences of commands in the history can be repeated with the following command:

/1rep <count> <n>           - repeats the last <n> stored commands, <count> number of times (no nested repeats).

NOTE: If <n> is omitted, it is assumed to be 1. If both <count> and <n> are omitted, both are assumed to be 1.

A pictorial description of several of these commands is at:   http://beadrez.blogspot.com
Look for "Shaping: Pictorial Overview".

The space to give a bead on the necklace can be set with the following command, although a spacing value is already stored in beads if properly prepared with the teachpad:

/1space <space> <beadname>     - use spacing of <space> centimeters for the named bead.

NOTE: this temporarily overrides any value stored with the teachpad. Inventory changes or /1resetfull commands will undo this! Also, this only affects beads rezzed after the command is issued, not already-rezzed beads.

You can change bead size (for future-rezzed beads, not already-rezzed ones) with:

/1scalebeads <factor>     - scales bead and bead spacing by <factor> when new beads are rezzed.
                                                Examples: 0.5 means half size, and 2.0 mean double size.
/1scalebeads2 <factor>   - relative version (multiplies onto existing scale for cumulative effects).
                                                 Example: 2.0 means double the already-scaled size (instead of double original size).
                                                 So, scalebeads 2.0 followed by scalebeads2 2.0 has combined effect of 4.0.
                                                 See Example5 notecard for scalebeads2 example in a repeating command.

NOTE: Resulting size must be within standard SL limits. Multi-prim beads require the version 5 (or higher) LinkEnhancer script in the bead.

The next commands switch between sphere-type spacing and stick-type spacing. The difference is noticeable near sharp curves, where sticks spacing is better for thin tubes, but spheres spacing is better for round beads like pearls. NOTE: use just one setting per necklace. Switching within a necklace may not produce reasonable results.

/1sticks                  - default spacing, use for beads like tubes where ends must match up
/1spheres              - use for pearls or other mostly-round beads

Size and Shape Parameters - the following commands change size and main shape of the necklace:

/1sizef <size>          - front necklace size in cm (not length -- just the amount of forward "pull')
/1sizeb <size>          - back size in cm (not length -- just the amount of forward "pull")
/1width <size>          - width at center in cm

/1bendf <factor>      - amount of drooping curve in front (for example, try 1.0 for starters)
/1bendb <factor>     - amount of drooping curve in back (for example, try 0.3 for starters)
/1shear <factor>       - added downward shear amount, can be used in place of bendf for sharper bends and flatter fronts

/1curvef <factor>      - shaping factor that changes roundness of the front drooping curve (1.0 = straight, 2.0 = default)
/1curveb <factor>      - similar shaping factor for back

*TIP* combining shear and bend/curve gives more shapes than just using bend and curve, but it takes some experimenting and experience to see what you can do. The menus or HUD add-on are good for this.

/1point1f <factor>     - pointiness factor for necklace tip (0.0 = no effect, 1.0 = full point)
/1point1b <factor>     - back pointiness factor, similar to point1f but for back
/1point2f <factor>      - a different pointiness factor; this one is more rounded  (0.0 = no effect, 0.5 = full effect)
/1point2b <factor>    - back pointiness factor, similar to point2f but for back

*TIP* To see the effect of a pointiness factor more clearly, make sure the other pointiness factor is 0. However, combining them is OK too :)

/1soften <factor>      - an extra shaping factor, noticeable at the upper FRONT part but also interacts with the
                                          BACK shaping parameters.  Soften is most noticeable with pointy or sheared shapes.
                                          0.0 = no effect, 1.0 = maximum reasonable value in most cases :)
/1softtype <type>      - there are five different soften methods, specified by number 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4.
                                         1 is the default, and 0 is an older method that a little less "smooth".
                                         2, 3, and 4 are variations of 1.
                                         NOTE: for compatibility with very old Beadrez scripts, change softtype to 0.

A "bump" or "dip" can be added to the shape, for example, near the collarbone, using these commands:

/1bumphi                - Sets bump height in cm (negative value for dip)
/1bumpstart           - Sets starting point for bump (0.0 = necklace tip, 0.5 = front/back joint, 1.0 = back tip)
/1bumpend             - Sets ending point for bump (0.0 = necklace tip, 0.5 = front/back joint, 1.0 = back tip)

The following TWIST COMMANDS affect rotation of beads on necklace. NOTE: twists combine -- you don't have to pick just one.
Twists are demonstrated in a video on the Beadrez blog.

/1twistmenu                - show twist menu -- use this after beads are rezzed for menu-driven twist adjustment.

/1twistc <degrees>      - constant twist added to beads until new twistc command
/1twisti <degrees>       - amount of incremental twist (gradual twisting over necklace, added per-bead)
/1twistb <degrees>      - global back twist - gradual twist over back of necklace (doesn't depend on number of beads)
/1twistf <degrees>       - global front twist - gradual twist over front of necklace (doesn't depend on number of beads)
/1twista <degrees>       - alternating twist: added to every other bead (for alternating links in chains)
/1twistr <degrees>        - random twist, per-bead (value specifies maximum amount of rotation possible from random component)

There are two different "twist symmetries" related to the incremental twist (twisti), selected with commands below. Symmetry type chooses between: 1) left and right sides of the necklace mirroring each other in terms of twist, or 2) left twisting outward when right twists inward (and vice-versa).


For alternating twists that use twista, you may want to flip which beads are affected (on one side of the necklace only) depending on how you want beads to join at the necklace tip. This is done by specifying one of the following:

/1twistaflip                  - flip which beads are twisted by twista parameter, on one necklace side          
/1twistanoflip              - do not flip

Beads on one side of the necklace can also be "flipped" to change their direction along the necklace path
(as requested by some users, this corresponds to "follow" and "split" path types in another generator)

/1directf                        - no rotation: beads have a consistent direction through the necklace tip
/1directs                        - direction split: beads rotated on one side.
/1direct                          - switches (toggles) between directf and directs (not really needed, as you can use those commands directly)


Rezzing was sped up starting with Beadrez 3 (especially "fill"). But, the speedup technique could reduce precision slightly. You can turn the accelerated rezzing on and off:

/1accelon                            - turn on accelerated rezzing (on by default)
/1acceloff                           - turn off accelerated rezzing (may increase precision)

Acceleration only helps in healthy sims!

You also reduce precision if you work very high in the sky (seriously! This applies to other rezzers too, and you may have heard about loss of precision for physical objects at high altitudes, etc.).
For most necklaces, you would never notice the difference, but I want you to know :)